Logistics -- management of the physical flow of products from the point of origin as raw materials to end-users as finished products
market research -- collection and analysis of information in order to assist managers in making informed decisions.
Secondary market research -- process of obtaining information that already exists within the company or that can be obtained from outside sources
primary market research -- process of collecting and analyzing original data and applying the results to current research needs.
Trade show -- exhibition at which members of the industry or group of industry showcase their latest products, see what rivals are doing, and learn about recent trends and opportunities.
Trade mission -- international trip by government officials and business people, that is organized by agencies of national or provincial governments for the purpose of exploring international business opportunities.
Focus group -- on structure, but in-depth interview of a small group of individuals (eight to 12 people) by a moderator to learn the group's attitudes about a company or its product.
Consumer panel -- research in which people record in personal diaries, information on their attitudes, behaviors, or purchasing habits.
Survey -- research in which an interviewer asked current or potential buyers to answer written or verbal questions. To obtain facts, opinions, or attitudes.
Environmental scanning -- ongoing process of gathering, analyzing, and dispensing information for tactical or strategic purposes